Wednesday, September 07, 2005

the silence in between

Why is it when there is so much to be spoken, there are often no words.
I struggle to find the things to say to share the last 2 months of my journeys but nothing seems to fit.
I reach deep inside and come up speechless.
The words I do find seem to only be noise.
They mask the quiet but don't resonate with what's inside.
I can't seem to reconcile my full head with my empty page.
Yet perhaps these are the moments when silence is most important.

I will give in to the silence. I will let it speak.
I will be quiet for now and when the words come back I will still be here.

silence is very important. the silence between the notes are important as the notes themselves.
-wolfgang amadeus mozart


Jenni said...

I love you my friend.

Colleen said...

i think you're speaking on behalf of alot of our "silences" right now, and they too are some of the threads that connect us all. you are loved in silence and when words come.

Steven said...

A loving silence often has far more power to heal and to connect than the most well-intentioned words.

More than meets the I said...

We miss you at Growth Group in Tampa. If you need anything Let us know.
We have a new vegetarian but no one can take your place.:) We are praying for you and pray for God's power to be felt during this time of silence. John & Paige say hi and we all miss you.
Jamie & Carly